Do you live locally (Waltham Forest/Essex)?
Get your Community Leaders, MPs, and Councillors to find out why NELFT and other Essex Health Trusts are being investigated by the Health Ombudsman? How was NELFT Mental Health services implicated in the deaths and disappearances of more than 2,000 people? Are local Health Services safe for vulnerable people? Are local people affected by Baroness Lampard’s Inquiry being adequately supported? Is everyone able to present evidence to the investigation without fear of repercussion? What is the local government doing to ensure that this negligence and these abuses of power are prevented in the future?
Not only this, ask them why there is so much crime in our area at the moment … There is so much angst locally … people are walking the streets sad and fearful …
We have always been diverse as a community, which hasn’t caused divisions in the past. What has changed? Did the pandemic cause this? Or are our community leaders complacent in their “seats of power”? I am not a politician or an activist, but I want answers to these questions.
If you see me walking in our area, say hi! AG is my name and this is how to pronounce it 🔊. Help me find out what is happening to our neighbourhood, we are owed answers!
What has transpired so far:
This is the information available in Wikipedia.
Source: Wikipedia
It seems that patients are left to die, and even the ombudsman believes that there is evidence to suggest that this is perpetrated large-scale.
There is a fine line between personal, and institutional responsibility and people’s lives should not be in jeopardy at this demarcation!
We will be looking into the deaths of patients in the care of NELFT. We will show how the same strategies used to “manage” in-patients are so “successful” in eliminating those who complain that they are also being applied to out-patients.
Check the Summary of our Section on Remembrance and all the posts with that tag.
Bringing you up to speed on the Lampard Inquiry
In June 2023, it was announced that the Essex Mental Health Independent Inquiry would be granted statutory status under the Inquiries Act 2005 and in November of last year, the Inquiry team announced its first call for evidence and invited families, friends, and carers of inpatients who died across NHS Trusts in Essex between 2000-2020, and anyone else with experience of inpatient mental health care in Essex between 2000-2020 to come forward. On 1 November 2023, Baroness Lampard launched a public consultation on the Inquiry’s Terms of Reference which closed on 28 November 2023.
Following the public consultation process, Baroness Lampard sent her proposed Terms of Reference to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care in mid-December 2023. The Inquiry is currently waiting to receive the final Terms of Reference as set by the Minister.
In the absence of the Terms of Reference, Baroness Lampard has been unable to begin her substantive work of the Inquiry. While the statutory Inquiry is in the process of being set up and the Terms of Reference are being finalised, no new evidence is being received. However, the Inquiry website says “You are welcome to contact us now to let us know you would like to provide evidence. We will respond with further details around providing evidence in due course.”
The contact details for the Inquiry are as follows:
- Email:
- Telephone (voicemail): 0207 972 3500
- Alternatively, you can write to the Inquiry via the following postal address: The Lampard Inquiry, PO Box 78136, LONDON, SW1P 9WW.
Find out about Baroness Lampard’s inquiry into NELFT and other NHS Trusts in Essex
Regarding this website
We are publishing this information with the utmost respect for the victims and their families. You can get in touch with us if you wish to make any changes to the published text and we will consider it very carefully.
Sharing information
If you too experienced any type of medical gaslighting, please let us know using the form Tell Your story. We are accumulating information on widespread abuses which we hope to use in our continued campaigns.
Regrettably we cannot help in any practical way, but we can offer free Peer Support to those who have been personally affected by these abuses, you can either use the messenger chat at the bottom of the page or the WhatsApp details on our partner’s website.
Finally, if you have your own story related to the Ombudsman investigation and/or would like to add information about NELFT and its victims, please get in touch. If you need to get in touch urgently, please use the WhatsApp details on Neurodivergent.UK
We fully understand the need for anonymity that some may have, so we have added a chat feature where you can message us anonymously on Facebook and share data and information. Simply use the button at the bottom of the screen to contact us. Sometimes we may not be available, if that is the case, please try again a little later. Your messages are important to us, please don’t give up until you talk to us!
#NSUN #enby #lgbtqia #NELFT #MedicalGaslighting #MedicalGaslightingKills #LampardInquiry #NHSComplaints #PatientSafety #PHSOmbudsman
Read Next:
- Remembrance: Remembering those who lost their lives due to medical gaslighting.
- About being a targeted person
#NSUN #enby #lgbtqia #NELFT #MedicalGaslighting #MedicalGaslightingKills #LampardInquiry #NHSComplaints #PatientSafety #PHSOmbudsman